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What Happened to Ruby



Why did Ruby vanish from a lake cabin in Minnesota at the age of sixteen? What did it all mean, not only to best friend Louise, but to the other lake kids as well? When Louise is eight, her parents purchase a cabin at Blanche Lake, Minnesota. She spends each summer there until her adult years, at which time her father sells the cabin, ending Louise?s time at the lake and her ability to find resolution in Ruby?s disappearance. A tragic and unforeseen incident at the lake changes life for the lake kids that knew Ruby, but most of all Louise, who continues to be haunted by how certain choices continue to impact other human lives. Ruby is one of the lake kids; she and Louise become best friends. They know each other?s weaknesses and vulnerabilities. Or so Louise thinks. When she finally realizes Ruby?s fate, she must choose between making that fate known to others or keeping it buried forever.



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